r1777709 adds a --with-test-suite option for configure that allows you to run `make && make check`, assuming you already have Apache::Test and its dependencies installed somewhere. The major nice things here are

- you don't have to install the server to test it
- all built modules are tested, regardless of whether they will be enabled during installation

Currently, only the Apache::Test suite is run, and not the other test utilities such as the HTTP/2 suite (which I seem to have lost for the moment?).

*NOTE THAT RUNNING 'make check' WILL OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENT TEST CONFIGURATION.* Let me know if this is a problem for you.

To use it after you've synced up:

    ./configure <options> --with-test-suite=/absolute/path/to/apache/test
    make check

I have tested this with both trunk and 2.4.x (requires resolving a couple of easy merge conflicts). 2.2.x has some incompatibilities with my redirection hacks, but if there is enough interest in backporting this I can look into those too.

Give it a try! With so many ways to configure, I expect *someone* will run into a corner case I've missed.


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