Hello all.  I've been working on getting Apache::Test running on Debian and
it's not going well.  One problem seems to be that Debian's system Apache
conf is not named what Apache::Test thinks it should be named (apache2.conf
vs httpd.conf).

After solving that problem I hit a bigger one - the system apache2.conf
file shipped with Debian is quite peculiar.  It requires numerous
environment variables (i.e. APACHE_RUN_DIR, APACHE_USER, etc) which are set
in apache2ctl.  Worse, it doesn't define a ServerRoot and neither does apxs
have a value for prefix.

Part of this bug appears in this bug report:


In short it seems like Apache::Test relies on the system Apache conf being
fairly vanilla and sane, but the Debian/Ubuntu maintainers have different
ideas.  I'm not sure what to do here - perhaps package up a very simple
default config for Debian/Ubuntu and sub that in?

Any help would be appreciated.  I'm happy to work up a patch if I can only
figure out what needs to change.



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