On 18 Apr 2018, at 10:46 PM, Mark Blackman <m...@exonetric.com> wrote:

> Is most popular the right thing to aim for? I would advise continuing to 
> trade on Apache’s current strengths (versatility and documentation for me and 
> relative stability) and let the chips fall where they may. It’s an open 
> source project with a massive first-mover advantage and no investors to 
> please. Just do the right thing, stay visible and the rest will sort itself 
> out.

I agree strongly with this.

I took a look at nginx and gave it a fair evaluation, then I discovered this:


with most specifically this:

"Anything else may possibly cause unpredictable behaviour, including potential 

Both this document and the idea that SIGSEGV would remain unfixed would never 
fly at Apache. Nginx suffers the problem in that product managers have to trade 
off the pressure of new features for the marketing people over the need to fix 
problems they already have. This isn’t sustainable for them.

We have no such pressure - we release when it’s ready, not because some product 
manager made promises that their budget couldn’t keep.

The strength of httpd is that it is a tank - it just keeps going and going. You 
can deploy it and completely forget about it, it just works. This frees up our 
users to focus their attention on doing whatever it is they want to do.


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