On 18 Apr 2018, at 8:32 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:

>> You seem to be making a mountain out of a molehill [...]
> Both statements attack not the technical question, but the questioner.
> Please mind your framing.

The expression “making a mountain out of a molehill” means that you’re 
overstating your case - the problem you describe isn’t as bad as you are making 
it out to be. This directly refers to the technical question, not to you 

I suspect a lot of this comes from the Windows centric approach. In the unix 
world, software distribution and patch management is a first class feature of 
all the major distributions, and our approach and the unix world align very 
well. Windows however hides away their patch management inside the Microsoft 
organisation (as I see it), and leaves a lot of the problem to be solved by 
Windows maintainers from first principles. It is easy to take a look at the 
Windows world and go “this is hard”, but this is simply a function of the 
Windows ecosystem[1]. The problems you describe don’t seem to be anywhere near 
as serious in the unix world as you’re making them out to be.

[1] That said, has the Windows ecosystem moved on to make package deployment 
and patch management easier? Installing Edge from powershell was a 
one-line-cut-and-paste no brainer for me recently, can we / are we taking 
advantage of that?


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