Although I should had made a few things clear, seems some good discussion 
happened. Amongst the same lines:

When I asked about Apache, I should had stated HTTPD. There is a QUIC 
implementation on under ATS (Apache Traffic Server), a reverse 
proxy, load balancer daemon. While definitely an interesting approach that 
takes a ton of overhead from the web server, it adds much more than “just a 
mod_h3” to be maintained. Not that a mod_h3 wouldn’t be enough work to be 

A motivator for the implementation is the continuity and evolution of the web 
we all know and rely on, which this very ancient dinosaur daemon helped to 
build and solidify. Apache may or may not have the largest market share amongst 
HTTP servers anymore, but it does not means it is stuck in time. As of h2, h3 
is another evolution that should be looked at, when the time is right.

And while all is well said, it needs done. I too agree it might be a fun 
project for anyone with enough time, motivation and skills to do so. I fall 
short on at least one of these, so as much as the enthusiast of me would love 
to turn it on at my systems, I’m yet to remember how to code anything other 
than a bash script or minor automation tools in pre-made, 3rd party Python 
modules. Besides, h3 is not a full formal standard yet, so while it is showing 
signs it will be some day, it might be as QUIC is/was for a while before it 
settles up as standard. But it never hurt to be checked out.

Last but not least, thanks Stefan for your h2 work.


> On Sep 27, 2019, at 17:12, Helmut K. C. Tessarek <> wrote:
> On 2019-09-27 11:47, Eric Covener wrote:
>> I don't think market share is a big motivating factor for active 
>> contributors.
> Maybe not, but I remember a discussion a while back on this list that had to
> do with features vs stability, about market shares and why other web servers
> are gaining.
>> HTTP/3 would be a lot of work, a lot of shoehorning into HTTPD, and
>> likely be de-stabilizing for quite some time.   There is
>> simply nobody (seemingly) working on it.
> I get that, I was simply saying that I didn't understand why there wasn't a
> plan. That's all.
> I also do understand that this might be a highly complex topic, especially
> since it will touch many components.
> I'm very grateful that Stefan took the initiative to get h2 into httpd.
>> HTTPD is great and familiar to lots of people, but HTTPD'S age brings
>> a lot of baggage. Lots of other great servers have much
>> less baggage and currently have much more commercial interest and buzz.
> I've been using Apache httpd since the early days and I won't be switching to
> another web server. But the "baggage" can't be the reason for stagnation. A
> web server's main functionality is to serve web pages. If the protocol evolves
> so must the server, otherwise the server will be obsolete at one point in the
> future.
> Cheers,
>  K. C.
> -- 
> regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek              KeyID 0x172380A011EF4944
> Key fingerprint = 8A55 70C1 BD85 D34E ADBC 386C 1723 80A0 11EF 4944
> /*
>   Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness
>   await thee at its end.
> */

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