
Even though we are still planning the Ignite 2.8 release, I would like to
kick-off a discussion related to Ignite 3.0, because the efforts for AI 3.0
will be significantly larger than for AI 2.8, better to start early.

As a first step, I would like to discuss the list of things to be removed
in Ignite 3.0 (partially this thread is inspired by Denis Magda's IGFS
removal thread). I've separated all to-be-removed points from existing
Ignite 3.0 wishlist [1] to a dedicated block and also added a few more
things that look right to be dropped.

Please share your thoughts, probably, there are more outdated things we
need to add to the wishlist.

As a side question: I think it makes sense to create tickets for such
improvements, how do we track them. Will the 3.0 version suffice or should
we add a separate label?


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