
> why do you use  PooledMessageBufferOutput in benchmarks?

To make it fair. Ignite uses thread-local reusable buffers, see [1].

> why packer from msgpack-core show better performance than
> BinaryWriter. And I suppose that benchmark is not quite fair.

MsgPack writes and reads less bytes, so it should be faster.
Benchmark is not 100% fair, there are some small extra things that
BinaryWriter does.

1. I don't think we care about super-precise benchmarks here, just the
2. We are discussing the format, not the implementation.

Important takeaway is:
The format does not prevent someone from implementing it efficiently.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 10:40 PM Ivan Daschinsky <ivanda...@gmail.com>

> Andrey, here we discuss serialization format, as far as I understand.
> Current implementation of ignite binary object serialization can be
> rewritten.
> If we do not care about fast (O(1)) field lookup, about schema validation
> and so on, msgpack is a really good option. It is also good for client
> binary protocol, i.e.
> tarantool uses it.
> >> Binarilizable interface forces user to write serialization code
> I am talking about speed comparison. You can see from Pavel's data,
> jackson-msgpack shows a pathetic performance comparing with a ignite's
> default binary marshaller. If you want really fast serialization -- the
> only option is to write code by yourself or use code generation. Default
> packer from msgpack-core java package is similar to BinaryWriter. So I am
> wondering why packer from msgpack-core show better performance than
> BinaryWriter. And I suppose that benchmark is not quite fair.
> чт, 17 июн. 2021 г. в 22:19, Andrey Mashenkov <andrey.mashen...@gmail.com
> >:
> > Ivan, thankd for clarification.
> >
> > Binarilizable interface forces user to write serialization code. We can
> > support this or similar interface.
> > But I'd like Ignite has some default serializer in addition. It can be
> also
> > useful e.g. in compute for param and result serialization.
> >
> > BinaryObjectBuider requires an Ignite node for object construction, but
> we
> > are looking for a detached builder and won't care about schemas.
> >
> > AFAIR, BinaryObject creates an objectReader on every single field read
> > operation.
> > So, BO solution produces a lot of garbage and BO has noticable overhead
> > which affects the object footprint.
> >
> > чт, 17 июн. 2021 г., 21:41 Ivan Daschinsky <ivanda...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > > >> Double checked -- there is not any links to PR either in IEP or in
> > jira
> > > issue
> > > Sorry, there is a link in IEP, but not in jira ticket.
> > >
> > > чт, 17 июн. 2021 г. в 21:39, Ivan Daschinsky <ivanda...@gmail.com>:
> > >
> > > > Andrey,
> > > > >> arbitrary object graph
> > > > Also, that is not true, msgpack format doesn't handle circular
> graphs.
> > > > Think about msgpack as binary json. You couldn't understand full
> > > structure
> > > > of message if you didn't deserialize it fully before, maps and arrays
> > are
> > > > serialized just as contiguos chunks
> > > >  of values/kv-pairs. Msgpack is a really dumb and simple format.
> > > >
> > > > Also, as for me, I cannot understand why current ignite serialization
> > > > (BinaryObjectBuilder or Binarilizable) is slower than raw message
> pack
> > > > serializer.
> > > > I suppose that this is an issue and we should investigate it.
> > > >
> > > > Pavel,  why do you use  PooledMessageBufferOutput in benchmarks? I'm
> > > > sorry, but is it fair to use it?
> > > >
> > > > >> The code is linked in the IEP [2]
> > > > Double checked -- there is not any links to PR either in IEP or in
> jira
> > > > issue
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Sincerely yours, Ivan Daschinskiy
> > >
> >
> --
> Sincerely yours, Ivan Daschinskiy

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