Hi all,

In the IoTDB test, we find a memory leak bug due to the memory controller 
module. As test goes by, more and more metadata objects are cached by the 
memory controller and cannot be released, leading to frequently GC and the 
process crash.

The developer Jian Tian has proposed a PR to solve it: 

We hope to fix this bug before the first version release to ensure the 
stability of IoTDB.

Best Regards,
Rong Kang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

发件人:Xiangdong huangsaint...@gmail.com
发送时间:2019年4月18日(周四) 21:42
主题:Re: For the first release version

Hi all, Thanks for Christofer's reminder. “We will work on getting this set up 
with in a week or so. Please provide a list of the apache IDs of the people who 
will be responsible for installing and maintaining the software on the VM. ” If 
someone want to have the privilege of controlling the VM, please comment under 
this mail thread. Firstly, I apply for that. Best, 
----------------------------------- Xiangdong Huang School of Software, 
Tsinghua University 黄向东 清华大学 软件学院 Christofer Dutz christofer.d...@c-ware.de 
于2019年4月18日周四 下午8:24写道:  Hu Guys,   infra is asking for the apache ids of 
people needing access to the machine.   Chris    Am 12.04.19, 09:08 schrieb 
"Xiangdong Huang" saint...@gmail.com:   Hi,   I have created a ticket on JIRA 
[1] for getting a VM. :D   [1] 
-----------------------------------  Xiangdong Huang  School of Software, 
Tsinghua University   黄向东  清华大学 软件学院    Christofer Dutz 
christofer.d...@c-ware.de 于2019年4月10日周三 下午4:27写道:    Hi Xiangdong,     having 
an Apache VM has the additional benefit of having everything  at   Apache.   I 
have been involved in other Apache projects where external VMs were   involved. 
  Things become problematic if the key resource for accessing this is   
unavailable   (Leaves the project, is on holidays, is sick, ...).     I guess 
it wouldn't really matter when you do the split, ideally it  should   be when 
the   Master branch is in a usable state ... then after your first release,   
you'll merge the   Release version back to master and from there on continue to 
only  merge   releases   There.     The Jenkinsfile is already prepared for 
this setup (it sends warning   emails for commits   To master, but that's 
currently commented out). So prior to doing the   split, give me a   short 
signal and I'll prepare the Jenkinsfile for that branching  mode.     Chris     
    Am 10.04.19, 10:19 schrieb "Xiangdong Huang" saint...@gmail.com:     Hi,    
 OK, I will try to apply a VM from INFRA.     When I say a long-term test, I 
hope a test at least one day...   Now I am planning to run two types of tests 
in our lib:   - A long term test that lasts for either one week, or the main  
dev   branch   is updated.   - A aging test that runs all the time until the 
IoTDB instance  crashes   or   there is no disk space...     If we have a VM, 
at least we can run a long-term test that lasts  for   one   day, which will 
trigger many times of the following tasks:  flushing to   disk, closing 
TsFiles, merging TsFiles with Overflow files.   It is helpful for guaranteeing 
IoTDB is stable.     This morning I see the issue is solved by PR [1].     The 
thing that we need to discuss is, which source code version   (commitlog   id) 
do we set the master branch to? Current commitlog id? or  splitting   the   
functionality of master/dev until we release the first version?   (I remember 
on the webpage that Julian shared, the master branch  should   stay on a tagged 
version, e.g., 0.1, 0.2, etc..)       [1] 
https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/pull/138     Best,   
-----------------------------------   Xiangdong Huang   School of Software, 
Tsinghua University     黄向东   清华大学 软件学院       Julian Feinauer 
j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de 于2019年4月10日周三  下午3:22写道:      Also, +1 from my 
side for dev / master.    And indeed, a separate VM for this kind of tests 
would be a  good   idea.    And we could either manage that via separate 
Jenkins jobs or  manual   before    releases or so.       How long do you mean 
with long-term? Hours, Days, Weeks, ... ?       Julian       Am 10.04.19, 09:19 
schrieb "Christofer Dutz"    christofer.d...@c-ware.de:       Hi Xiangdong,     
  you can ask for a VM from Infra, if this is needed. We did  that   for    the 
PLC4X project as we needed to do network stuff infra  didn't want   to    have 
on it's official nodes.       And I agree having master and develop branches is 
a very  good   thing.       Chris             Am 10.04.19, 05:12 schrieb 
"Xiangdong Huang"   saint...@gmail.com   :       Hi,       Sadly, a long term 
test failed, see the JIRA for more   details [1].    The    problem is caused 
by the modification file management,  which   is    introduced    in PR [2].    
   Firstly, we need to fix this bug ASAP, otherwise the  master   branch    
does not    work...... ( @Tian Jiang, the author of PR [2]).  And then   we    
can keep go    on for the release version.       Secondly, it shows that for a 
DB, just a UT/IT test  with   JUnit is    not    enough. Instead, a long term 
test is always needed  once the   main    branch of    code is updated...    It 
seems that there is no such a public platform can  support   long    term    
test. I think we can open our lib's test environment  for   IoTDB if    needed. 
      Thirdly, it is time to enable the dev branch... (I  remember   that    
Julian    shared a link to introduce the functionality of the  mater   branch   
 and dev    branch). We need to keep the master branch is stable  all the   
time,    and    develop in the dev branch.    If we enable that, we need to 
quickly resolve current  bug to   make    the    master branch stable, and 
moving all PRs to the dev  branch,    rather than    the master branch..       
Best,       [1]   https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/IOTDB/issues/IOTDB-79 
   [2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/pull/17    
-----------------------------------    Xiangdong Huang    School of Software, 
Tsinghua University       黄向东    清华大学 软件学院          Xiangdong Huang 
saint...@gmail.com 于2019年4月3日周三  上午10:31写道:        Hi,         Now:     - The 
Polding name search has finished [1]     - The license self-check is finished 
[2]         And we have some tasks left:     - (1) prepare the final code 
version.     - (2) modify the changes file (we have an initial  version)     - 
(3) begin to vote...         For task (1) and (2):         The following PRs 
have opened for several days, if  there   is no    other     feedback, I will 
merge them:         #79 [IOTDB-6]Value filter query optimization     #97    
[IOTDB-47][IOTDB-54][IOTDB-59][IOTDB-60]Aggregate+GroupBy+Fill     #111 try to 
release memory asap in ReadOnlyMemChunk     #123 provide unified query resource 
control interface         Then I will start a long-term test (at least 5 days)  
with a    heavy write     workload for checking whether the current version is  
 stable....         If everything is fine, we can begin task (2) and add  a tag 
  on the     repository and finish task (1) and (2). And then,  begin   (3)...  
         Best,     -----------------------------------     Xiangdong Huang     
School of Software, Tsinghua University         黄向东     清华大学 软件学院

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