
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Paco Avila<monk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've some problems developing with jackrabbit in Eclipse. Where can I find
> some info about this?

There are many ways to do this, but I'm pretty happy with the
m2eclipse plugin from http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/.

The plugin installs cleanly from the update site at
http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/update/, and after that I can use File >
Import... > Maven Projects and point the dialog to the root of my
checkout. The importer will correctly find and set up all the
components as separate projects in Eclipse.

It helps if you've done a normal Maven build before importing the
projects, as then all the generated sources will also be available to


Jukka Zitting

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