The article should still works, because it follow Michael's
instruction. Just noticed it's quite old: August 15, 2007.

I did a try for m2eclipse recently and it give much better experience
than it's early version. It has a GUI to manage your pom (You don't
need to check the pom model manual any more) and update eclipse
dependencies automatically. Import and run goals inside IDE also give
better productivity.

-- Guo

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Paco Avila <> wrote:
> This article is very clear about it:
> I will try this instructions.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Michael Dürig<> wrote:
>>> I've some problems developing with jackrabbit in Eclipse. Where can I
>>> find
>>> some info about this?
>> There are many ways to do this, but I'm pretty happy with the
>> m2eclipse plugin from
>> The plugin installs cleanly from the update site at
>>, and after that I can use File >
>> Import... > Maven Projects and point the dialog to the root of my
>> checkout. The importer will correctly find and set up all the
>> components as separate projects in Eclipse.
> I use a similar approach but without the m2eclipse plugin. Rather I use
> Maven from the command line:
> mvn clean install
> mvn eclipse:eclipse
> and then import the generated eclipse project files with Eclipse.
> This approach works generally quite well.
> Michael

Kind regards,

Du, Guo
Phone     : +353-86-176 6186
Email     :
__________________________________________________  - Career Life Balance

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