On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Paco Avila<monk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So using m2eclipse is the preferred way to deal with jackrabbit (subversion)
> and eclipse. If I use m2eclipse is necessary to run "mvn eclipse:eclipse" ?

No. The "mvn eclipse:eclipse" way creates a normal Eclipse java
project from the pom(s) that you then can import (or refresh if you've
already imported it and need to update it). Eclipse will then not be
"aware" of the fact that the project is based on a meven pom. Eg. if
you want to add a dependency, you always have to do it in the pom,
adding it to the java project in Eclipse directly will only work
inside Eclipse (and get lost upon the next mvn eclipse:eclipse +
refresh) - this whole thing is only one way.

The m2eclipse plugin enhances Eclipse to be able to directly import
maven-based projects (so I think it adds a special project type to
Eclipse). This will then be very much aware of the pom and allows you
to modify the pom directly through various tools.

I personally prefer the mvn eclipse:eclipse way, as I was always
disappointed by the complexity / issues of m2eclipse or similar
(older) plugins for Eclipse. But maybe I have to look at it again ;-)


Alexander Klimetschek

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