On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem of Jackrabbit Core is, that apart from implementing the
> Jackrabbit API (which is imported in the bundle), it has its internal
> API (for example the PersistenceManager interface or others). This
> internal API is not properly separated (in terms of Java Packages) from
> implementation classes, which should not leak into the exported package
> space.
jackrabbit is a few years old and at that time OSGi may not in the big
picture. It's worth to move some of the internal API to jackrabbit-api
for other bundle to provide different implementation. Tt could well
documented and better for third party to extend the jackrabbit.

> One of the major issues still remaining is providing persistence
> managers as OSGi bundles. The only feasible, yet not very clean
> approach, would be to use fragment bundles.
I prefer stay way from fragment if possible :)


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