On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:09, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It's worth to move some of the internal API to jackrabbit-api
>>> for other bundle to provide different implementation. Tt could well
>>> documented and better for third party to extend the jackrabbit.
>> I would do that only if there is an actual need for it. Do you have
>> another implementation? Persistence manager, data store, or journal?
>> If yes, would it be enough to just move the persistence manager
>> interface, or do we need to do something else (for example does your
>> implementation extend the abstract bundle persistence manager)?
> I would not move the API to the Jackrabbit API. Just moving the
> interfaces into sepatate packages, eg. below o.a.j.core.api would
> suffice it to export this space and leave the implementation private.


Moving the persistence manager interface and co (basically everything
that can be swapped by custom implementations in the repository.xml)
into a separate API package is a good idea. But it makes sense to
separate this from the client-side API in jackabbit-api and only have
this as an exported package in jackrabbit-core.


Alexander Klimetschek

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