Elizabeth Keogh wrote:
Hi Ravi,

A quick google ( searched for "hudson java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
org/apache/log4j/Category") suggests it's an issue with Maven and
Hudson, rather than JBehave. I'm not familiar with Maven (that's
Mauro's baby!) but see if this helps:


Hope you manage to fix the problem! Please let us know if this does
turn out to be a JBehave issue after all.

Yes, it looks like a classloading issue, and mostly due to the auto-discovery mechanism of CL.

Maven constructs the classloader from the dependency tree and pass it to the Scenario.

Liz's suggestion seems a possible fix - and it quite independent of JBehave. You could try to run a simple unit test via Maven instead of a scenario to verify that this is the case.

Otherwise, to allow more debugging, you may configure Hudson to run the Maven goal dependency:tree which gives you a detailed output of the dependency tree structure. It could be that some dependency order issue or some dependency masks or overrides what you're really expecting.

Hope that helps.

Do keep us informed.


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