Mauro - 
Below are the answers -

> Hi Ravi,
> let's take in steps:
> 1. Can you run scenarios successfully using Maven in CLI on your local 
> machine - but not embedded in Hudson or any other CI?

Running the scenarios from command line through Maven works, but running inside
hudson causes the Class loader issues.
> 2. Are you running in CLI or via web runner?  I see you have in your 
> dependency tree the jbehave-web-runner and I'm not sure what you use it 
> for.

The web runner was included to have the capability of running the scenarios from
a browser (however have to get past this issue)

I do have a workaround - instead of running the mvn clean run-integration-test
from a hudson build plan, wrote a batch file that runs mvn clean
run-integration-test. That seems to work.


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