Am 17.04.2016 um 15:16 schrieb Milamber:

I will commit my changes to reduce the size of the block.

We can continue to discuss to the better place for the Twitter button and/or the github/mc buttons, that isn't a blocker for the 3.0 release.

Perhaps, Felix can purpose later some variants of the home page with the buttons at several places to allow to decide the best place.
I thought of a social bar at the right side of the content div, where only small buttons are shown for the various social media sides (like twitter, g+ or facebook). A sample of such an implementation could be seen on

The buttons on the top right side are links to the various social media sites. If you want to share the page, you will find links to do so at the bottom of each content site.

Those positions seem to be decent enough, not to disturb the visitor, while prominent enough, to be noticable. (Heise has even started a project ( to include these buttons in a way that maximises the privacy of the visitor - not everyone wants facebook or twitter to know, which pages they have visited.)

The badges for github and co, are another story and I honestly don't have a clue, where to put them best.


(or better: have some web designer works to make a full re-lifting of the home page)

On 17/04/2016 13:39, Philippe Mouawad wrote:
+1 for me

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Milamber <> wrote:

Like this?

On 17/04/2016 13:12, Philippe Mouawad wrote:

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Milamber <> wrote:

Perhaps, we can remove the Tweet about the page button (not very useful I
thinks), and use the small follow button.

Why not
Remove the Fork number on github (useful?)
I don't share this. For me we need to encourage forking which will result
in more contribution.

And move github star and maven central version on the same line.
We did it on purpose to encourage social coding.
The results is:

Better? I commit the changes?

-1 except for little tweet button.

On 17/04/2016 12:15, sebb wrote:

Also, I've just noticed the new placement of the Twitter etc links.
Seems to me that these are too prominent.

On 17 April 2016 at 12:04, Milamber <> wrote:

In the next website (3.0), all pages have a horizontal scrolling on my computer with Firefox or Chrome (and same issue on Windows with Edge,

On the current website, the horizontal scrolling don't exist. Do you
why ? (@Felix?)



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