
What do you think of replacing log4j2 with logback?

Even though it might sound like an over-reaction,
I believe it is the net positive thing.

The reasons are:
* log4j2 has lots of features, and we do not really need them
* lots of log4j2 are in-core, so a breach in one of them impacts the whole
* log4j2 team seems to treat silent variable substitution (which caused
${ldap}) a feature, and they tried to keep compatibility for it, so 2.15
was not enough
* log4j2 team seems to treat "infinite pattern recursion" as a feature
* log4j2 team is not responsible enough to release log4j 1.x that would fix
known security vulnerabilities even though lots of apps can't really
upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

* logback is developed by Ceki who maintains both slf4j and logback.
That is the integration of slf4j+logback should be much more stable than
* logback has a good story regarding the team, feature set, performance.
Ceki incepted (?) log4j, he was a chair of Logging PMC, Ceki incepted slf4j
and logback.
That is a really good story, and it is really hard to beat that.

So I believe we should migrate off log4j2 as soon as possible.
I can do the migration, however, I would be glad if somebody else steps in
as well.


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