To be fair to the log4j team, version 1.12.x went into maintenance mode back in 
2007 and they did a couple of minor updates in 2010 and 2012.

People have had nearly a decade since the last maintenance release to remove 
this old dependency and plan/implement an upgrade to the 2.x.x releases.

This is more akin to asking the JMeter team to support JMeter 2.  I would fully 
expect you to say move to the latest version where we have fixed this issue, I 
wouldn’t expect you to patch JMeter 2, 3, 4, and 5.

How long should something that is dead be supported? 

> On 21 Dec 2021, at 10:48, Vladimir Sitnikov <> 
> wrote:
>> would you be happy
>> to see our users abandon JMeter because a CVE is discovered
>> but it can happen to any
>> project (logback also had one although less impacting)
> Consider a case:
> 1. A critical vulnerability is discovered in JMeter 3.0 (e.g. remote code
> execution via HTTP client)
> 2. Multiple users report the issue and mention they can't upgrade from 3.0
> to the more recent versions and provide reasons
> 3. (optional) some users might even suggest their help or patches fix the
> issue
> 3. JMeter team says "you are using a too old version, you must upgrade;
> patches on 3.0 are not accepted anymore"
> If that really happens, I expect the users would stop trusting the JMeter
> team.
> ----
> This is exactly what happens with log4j:
> 1. Critical vulnerability is discovered in log4j 1.x and 2.x
> 2. Multiple users report the issue and mention they can't upgrade from
> log4j 1.x to 2.x (too big scope of regression, incompatible configuration
> files, incompatible APIs)
> 3. Multiple users suggest patches for fixing log4j 1.x
> 4. log4j team says "you must upgrade to 2.x; patches for 1.x are not
> accepted anymore; by the way, you can't become log4j 1.x committer also"
> That is a red flag to me.
> I believe, the teams should either maintain the versions (e.g. keep fixing
> CVEs), or they should be open
> to give away the maintenance rights to the ones who are willing to do the
> maintenance.
> It turns out, log4j team fails here. They do not allow others to touch 1.x,
> and they ignore it themselves.
>> does not bring major features to users (I
>> think logging works pretty nicely today),
> Of course. I expect logback to be more secure and predictable in the long
> run.
> What I dislike the most is that message processing was added to log4j2 as a
> feature.
> Does that belong to a logger? Of course, not.
> I expect log4j2 might get more "silent features" of that kind.
> The second point is that the current set of committers for log4j team
> ignores 1.x.
> Even though I understand everybody's time is limited, they ignore
> user requests,
> and they effectively deny contributions.
> See
> So the key reason for getting rid of log4j is not the specific CVE.
> The key reason is I do not really trust the team behind log4j2 for the
> reasons above.
> Frankly speaking, I have no idea what to do with old JMeter releases like
> 3.x, and 4.x.
> It might be very well that case we should release fixes for the past
> releases as well.
> The workaround of "replacing jars" or "cutting class files" is hard to
> maintain and control for the users.
> I really fear asking Milamber to do the releases that since I expect old
> code might fail to even compile.
> However, I am sure there are a lot of users who still use JMeter 3.x.
> For instance, if JMeter 3.x features are just enough, why upgrade and get
> accidental issues?
> I can try releasing 3.x, 4.x branches though.
> Vladimir

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