Hi Matt,

On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Matt Post <p...@cs.jhu.edu> wrote:

> What are the framework options?

For building the website documentation...essentially anything we want. The
blocker was the mechanism by which we would publish the website not how we
build the website documentation.
Over on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-11295 it looks like we
obtained a reasonable degree of consensus on Gitpubsub, as explained in
https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/git_based_websites_available, if you
are happy with this then we can address the Website this weekend... or at
least PING Infra again with the aim of getting us set up with Gitpubsub.

> I was hoping that we could take advantage of the move to improve Joshua's
> website, which is really quite ugly. Is there any help available for this?
> Are there common Apache themes or something we could use? I currently have
> Jekyll underneath, so it wouldn't be that hard to swap out some templates.

In terms of help... no not really in all honesty. It is down to us to get a
Website together. I am pretty cool with Jekyll it seems good to me. If we
can get or develop a better template then I am all for that.

> Jekyll is nice because you can write in Markdown and then convert, but I
> am open to other ideas if there's something newer and nicer. I would love
> to move to something wiki-like that permits web-based editing, instead of
> pushing and pulling with git.

Mmmmmm. OK then, so it looks like Gitpubsub is not what you are a looking
for. If you are looking for the CMS-based backing for the website then we
could opt for the Apache CMS http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html

If you want to go for the CMS then let us know and we can get this going.
This is the main blocker for us getting a website going.

> We could just start by seeding the current website, but I am a little
> afraid that decreases the chances we'll do something new.
Yes and no. I mean it is best f we have something at
http://johsua.incubator.apache.org right? Someone/people would then merely
have to make a point of upgrading/updating/overhauling the website. This
could easily be tracked in Jira.



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