On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 10:38 AM, kristian <m.krist...@web.de> wrote:
> currently you can do
> $ mvn -Dtzdata.version=2013c -Ptzdata
> but the 2013c artifact does exists and must exists before.
> one why to make it more convenient is to hardcode the 2013c in to
> core/pom.xml for -Ptzdata case that means
> $ mvn -Ptzdata
> or just make the command line simpler:
> $ mvn -Dtzdata.version=2013c
> but in both cases the respective timezone artifact must exist beforehand.
> so let me know which version you prefer.

I think we should set up a project and start pushing artifacts to
central that contain the tzdata. Then we only have to create the
artifacts for different tzdata versions once, and use the -D flag
after that to pull them down for builds.

I'll spin something up on Github.

- Charlie

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