On Mar 15, 2011, at 2:10 PM, karafman wrote:

> Charles Moulliard wrote:
>> The idea to use OBR resolver api and OBR Server is excellent by
>> allowing to hide the real repository used behind (maven, obr, ivy,
>> ....)
>> When deploying project into production, we are always faced to
>> administrators reluctant to use maven. Using an OBR server embedded in
>> karaf will allow us to achieve this deployment goal in an transparent
>> way as the user can parameter which repo (local, central, internet)
>> he/she would like to use. By the way, we can propose one provisioning
>> mechanism (obr is not required as features commands are similars with
>> obr except obr:source and obre:find) and use the following file (thx
>> to JB idea) --> /etc/org.apache.karaf.resolver.cfg to configure
>> repositories and resolver mechanism. In this case, the file
>> /etc/org.ops4j.pax.mvn.cfg is not longer required.
>> My 4cents
>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré

> Charles,
> There is a way to get around the whole issue with requiring a client to have
> access to a maven repository. I use a perl script that creates a local
> repository with all of the bundles for an application once I get it
> successfully deployed into Karaf (tested, working, etc). Basically, it
> parses each bundle's bundle.location file to get the mvn uri, and then drops
> the bundle into that location in the local repo, under its appropriate name. 
> It also creates a simple features.xml file in that local repository.  Then,
> I add that local repository name to the features.cfg file, tar up the local
> repo and etc directories, and blammo, instant installation package!
> Too bad we don't have this sort of functionality built into the karaf
> console.  Something like dev:createDeploymentRepository...
> -----
> Karafman
> Slayer of the JEE
> Pounder of the Perl Programmer

I don't think doing things by hand in a karaf instance is repeatable or 
appropriate for creating production artifacts.  In trunk you can set up a 
karaf-assembly project and assemble a customized karaf server from kars and 
(hopefully, I haven't really tried to get this part to work yet) features.xml 
listed in your pom.

The model I find most attractive is to have your project build system assemble 
the complete runtime production server for you so all you do is unpack the 
assembly and start it.  It seems to be hard to get people to try this.... I'd 
sure like to know why.

david jencks

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