Thanks for details, I see your point and I agree.

As said to some guys during ApacheCon, you have to do much better about
tooling in Karaf.
Even if Karaf is OSGi powered, the dev can or not use OSGi, and it could
be just a implementation detail if the tooling is good enough.

We have some work around this (karaf-boot, winegrowers, ...) on which we
have to move forward.

Thanks again Julian for your feedback.


Le 18 sept. 2019 06:45, Julian Feinauer <> a
écrit :


    it was not so much karaf (I kind of liked it from the start) it was
    rather OSGi.
    We come from spring and when I looked through all the osgi material
    lots of it seemed strange and confusing like Aries, Blueprint, DS,
    enRoute, ... .
    Serge helped me a lot with sorting the things in my head and getting
    all clear (also with bundle vs. feature vs. feature-repo) and DS
    stuff and lots more.
    So I think Karaf is already doing an excellent job its rather the
    OSGi world that is damn confusing and one thing that probably could
    help is a small OSGi introduction or something.

    I hope that helps!

    Am 16.09.19, 11:47 schrieb "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <>:

        By the way, Julian, I'm curious. Why did you consider Karaf
    "hard for
        you to adopt" ? It's to understand what we can improve (maybe
        message/website, example, whatever) in the project to change that !
        Thanks !
        On 16/09/2019 18:21, Julian Feinauer wrote:
        > Hi everybody,
        > my name is Julian and as I’m new on this list, I just wanted
    to shortly introduce myself. I’m a contributor to some Apache
    projects (PLC4X, IoTDB, Calcite) and I met some karaf folks at the
    ApacheCon in Las Vegas (I was the guy hanging around introducing JB
    and Serge).
        > I have Karaf on my radar for quite some time but always
    considered it to hard for us to adopt.
        > But, as Serge gave me an awesome hands on introduction
    yesterday, I feel like we should really start to work with it and
    see how it goes. So, expect some mails from me here or on user@.
        > Best
        > Julian
        Jean-Baptiste Onofré
        Talend -

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