
it was not so much karaf (I kind of liked it from the start) it was rather OSGi.
We come from spring and when I looked through all the osgi material lots of it 
seemed strange and confusing like Aries, Blueprint, DS, enRoute, ... .
Serge helped me a lot with sorting the things in my head and getting all clear 
(also with bundle vs. feature vs. feature-repo) and DS stuff and lots more.
So I think Karaf is already doing an excellent job its rather the OSGi world 
that is damn confusing and one thing that probably could help is a small OSGi 
introduction or something.

I hope that helps!

Am 16.09.19, 11:47 schrieb "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <j...@nanthrax.net>:

    By the way, Julian, I'm curious. Why did you consider Karaf "hard for
    you to adopt" ? It's to understand what we can improve (maybe
    message/website, example, whatever) in the project to change that !
    Thanks !
    On 16/09/2019 18:21, Julian Feinauer wrote:
    > Hi everybody,
    > my name is Julian and as I’m new on this list, I just wanted to shortly 
introduce myself. I’m a contributor to some Apache projects (PLC4X, IoTDB, 
Calcite) and I met some karaf folks at the ApacheCon in Las Vegas (I was the 
guy hanging around introducing JB and Serge).
    > I have Karaf on my radar for quite some time but always considered it to 
hard for us to adopt.
    > But, as Serge gave me an awesome hands on introduction yesterday, I feel 
like we should really start to work with it and see how it goes. So, expect 
some mails from me here or on user@.
    > Best
    > Julian
    Jean-Baptiste Onofré
    Talend - http://www.talend.com

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