Hi Sharan,


On Mon, 2018-09-10 at 10:07 +0200, sha...@apache.org wrote:
> Hi All
> Thanks very much for being one of the projects that is part of the 
> Kibble demo instance. We hope that you are making use of the
> information 
> Kibble shows about your project. We have had our demo instance up
> and 
> running for most of this year so now we'd like to get some feedback
> from 
> you about how you are using Kibble.
> Some example questions that we’d be interested in are as follows:
>   * How often are you using Kibble and what are you using it for?

I for one used it a couple of times to try and assess community health
by looking for new contributors. Having 280+ git repos makes it very
hard to do so with other tools.

>   * How does information from Kibble inform decisions or is useful in
>     other ways?

I'm looking mostly at trends - how is the number of contributors
evolving? Do we have new people coming in and contributing?

>   * What questions about your community can you currently not answer
> and
>     what information could Kibble provide to help answer these
> questions?

Top of my head, that would be:

- contributions by non-committers - code, emails
- release activity ( can be picked up from Jira or from [VOTE] emails )

>   * What problems do you have with using Kibble?

1. Trying to access the 'contributors' tab with the 'Apache Sling' view
results in a 'Widget design not found' error for me [1]
2. (Not an issue with Kibble per se) Since we keep adding repositories
(~20 are not on Kibble) we would need a way of automating it. I saw
that Kibble has an API, but not sure how much work is for us to manage
the repositories list ( + the view ). Need to look into it.
3. I was unable to find what the Pony Factor is. Some documentation
(inline in the app or in the manual) would be great.


Guess that about covers it. Overall I'm happy Kibble exists I can
extract stats about our projects so thanks for that!



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