Hi Kazunari,

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 01:23:57 +0900, Kazunari Hirano wrote:

> > "i18n for l10n"
> Good title.

Thanks. I was thinking of changing it to the full variant
"internationalization for localization" to make it clear to everybody,
also to people "outside" of this list..

> > the history of the i18n framework and its API
> > why it is there
> > what it does
> > how it developed
> > how it interfaces with other components
> > how it is used by the applications
> > how to add data and features for new locales
> These topics are all interesting and a lot enough already :)

Well, sure, but I didn't plan to elaborate too deeply on history and
such things, just mention them for a better understanding of why things
are how they are. Also all the interfacing/usage things shouldn't go too
much into details. Better to concentrate on the current situation, how
to work with what is currently present, and ToDos.

> > extensibility and difficulties
> > Current obstacles and problems
> > ideas how to solve them
> > other plans
> > what can be done in the near and not so near future
> These topics are also all interesting and it may take a full day to
> complete your lecture :)

I know, the main problem is to sketch as much as possible to give an
overview but do not get too technically detailed. This again can lead to
a situation where an overview is done "in a few minutes", I'm
exaggerating here of course. I don't want to end up with a presentation
that lasts only 20 minutes, though I doubt I would, but just in case it
did I'm looking for the spot of interest I could focus on if this
happens. Just that I need to know such topic in advance, now that I'm
preparing, and not only when I realize that I would need it..

> I have 3 questions:
> 1. How do you implement features of CTL and RTL languages?
> 2. How many localization are you planning to support?
> 3. Are there any language OpenOffice.org could never support?
> :)

#1 will probably not be answered due to insufficient knowledge of the
lecturer ;-)  no, really, I'm absolutely not a glyph layout expert.

Thanks for your input.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter bedevilled I18N transpositionizer.
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