On 16 juin 07, at 04:48, Alessandro Cattelan wrote:

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I ran a couple of test to see whether OmegaT could be used to translate the OLH for OOo 2.3 and I forgot to post the results here as a follow-up
to this discussion (I've sent them to Sun and to the Italian community
only). I'm doing in it now just in case someone is interested in all this.

Apart from the test with OmegaT, I ran the same test with poEdit using
the same files and procedures.

At the end of this e-mail you'll find a report of what I've done, from
converting the original SDF file to PO, translating PO files with OmegaT and poEdit and then back-converting the files to SDF. I'm not attaching all the files and directories used since it would be too heavy - you can
download them from the following address:



I started my own OmegaT "process" yesterday and I roughly documented it on the fr-l10n list.

Basically what I did was the following:

1) get the .sdf and convert to one big .pot to make sure the automatically inserted translations were not present.

oo2po -P --language=fr --nonrecursiveinput HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_33.sdf HC.pot

2) convert the .sdf to .po, convert that to .tmx, clean the TMX to remove parts where the original msgid and msgstr were identical (not necessary)

po2tmx --language=fr HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_33.po HC.tmx

3) export the EN-FR glossary from SunGloss and keep source term/ target term/target comment, all separated by tabs.

I loaded all this in a dedicated OmegaT project (.pot in / source/, .tmx in /tm/, glossary renamed with .utf8 in /glossary/)

And what I get is the familiar OmegaT session illustrated here:


For those unfamiliar with it, the top left part is the editor window (the bold green bkg part is the source segment, to be translated right below between <segment nnnn> and <end segment>

The bottom left part is the translation memory matching window. Since I use the original .sdf contents I always have at least a 100% match that I either us as is or edit (after rewriting in the edit field with Ctrl+R) I can select other matches (Ctrl+nb) for rewrite (Ctrl +R) or insertion at point (Ctrl+I)

The right part is the glossary part. Items cannot be inserted automatically, they are only for reference.

There are menus that are not displayed on the screenshot, from where one can create the target files (at any time during the translation) to check them, it is possible to modify the project segmentation at any time (regex based) etc.

The only worry I have is that the target file will have problems with the back convertion to .sdf but your testing seems to prove that those can be relatively easily fixed...


- - ----------------------------
## Converting PO into SDF ##
- - ----------------------------

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT$ ls
backconversion  HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_39.sdf  OLH-OmT-Project
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT$ ls backconversion/
HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_39.sdf  po
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT$ cd backconversion/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT/backconversion$ ls
HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_39.sdf  po
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT/backconversion$ po2oo -t
HC2_93824_89_2007-06-05_39.sdf -l it po it_IT.sdf
DeprecationWarning: The sre module is deprecated, please import re.
  import sre
processing 35 files...
Error at
po/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po:: 02100001.xhp#par_id2366100.help.text:
escapes in original ('\n', '\<emph\>Replace', 'with\</emph\>') don't
match escapes in translation ('\<emph\>Replace', 'with\</emph\>')
Error at
po/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po:: 02100001.xhp#par_id9262672.help.text: escapes in original ('\n', '\<emph\>Search', 'for\</emph\>') don't match
escapes in translation ('\<emph\>Search', 'for\</emph\>')
[###########################################] 100%
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Test-L10N-OOo2.3/OmT/backconversion$
/opt/gsicheck_1.8.2/gsicheck it_IT.sdf

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