(Boris or anybody else, I Cc to OLT's dev list because that is relevant here. How hard do you think it would be to have OLT's filters work with OOo's l10n format: .sdf ?)

On 23 déc. 07, at 18:00, Yury Tarasievich wrote:

On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 05:59:05 +0200, Jean-Christophe Helary <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
XLIFF files directly generated from the XML for the help files and from the rest for the UI.

Here I should point out that preciously little tools work currently with the 1.1 XLIFF (even Sun's OLT didn't process 1.1 in Spring 2007).

Anyway, such change, while disruptive to many, would also be at least useless, if with it won't come extended meta-information coverage (string context etc.)

So, possibly the real answer is "extend coverage of meta- information, extending the SDF format appropriately".

Yuri, I don't want to sound rude but you have it all wrong. I don't care about the SDF format.

What I need and what translators need is a tool chain that does not _break_ the data as it does now with oo2po.

What translators need is tools that support the format they use with the least transformation possible.

Open Language Tools' problem is not that is does not support XLIFF 1.1, its problem is that its filter does not support SDF...

Besides, if OLT does not support XLIFF 1.1 why not feed it with XLIFF 1.0 ? Have you thought about that ?

All the source files are in plain XML, have you thought about the efficiency loss of converting an XML file to a non XML format in terms of checks ? Have you considered the efficiency gains of keeping a strictly XML based tool chain for the localization ?

Pavel says that SDF is so easy to transform, then, what about OOo l10n developers took some time to improve OLT's filters so that we can use them directly with SDF ?

_That_ would considerably improve the translation process. To a point that OLT could actually be used with the TMX by any community that wants to work with a professional grade tool...

Any taker ?

Jean-Christophe Helary

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