On 24 déc. 07, at 21:34, Yury Tarasievich wrote:

On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 11:29:59 +0200, Jean-Christophe Helary <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Why has SUN moved from a workflow that ensures the most efficient use
of previous translations to a workflow that does not ?

Because it's not their priority?
Because at the time this seemed (or actually was) the best available solution? Because the world-wide populariry of the "OOO translating" caught them unaware?

Because the communities were unaware of the existence of the tools and were drawn by a PO centered workflow that is "mainstream" in other FOSS communities. Nothing else.

How hard would it be to have a few Java programmers improve the
current OLT filters so that SDF is supported there ?

The OLT itself seems to be sort of "put on ice", as it seems. Or so I gathered in Spring, when accessing the possibity to XLIFF-migrate the OOO translation I'm taking care of.

OLT the editor does not need to be modified. Only the small utility that is the OLT Filters needs to add SDF support.

And that would only to provide "yet another way to translate", with a professional tool.

How hard would it be to give translators access to the full source of
the help files for context ?

Ie, what can be done in practical terms, besides for PO hacks, to
improve the translators' work and the output quality ?

I.e., to add meta-information, be it Nth extra field of SDF or whatever carrier format, which would be an enterprise all by itself. The PO hacks, ugly as they are, work, and translations are coming in. The "new way to go", pretty as it may seem in theory, has yet to be implemented *and* to prove itself. What about *other* translating teams, after all?

It is not "pretty in theory", it already works.

I've documented how to use SDF directly to get direct matches from the TMX in tools that are developped for translation work.

Here is the link in case you are interested:


oo2po has failed to produce files that match the TMX data that SUN is providing the community with and even though PO based translations keep coming, using the current PO process _does not contribute to make the translation workflow easier_. But obviously, for communities that only know the current PO hacks such an assertion does not mean anything...

Jean-Christophe Helary


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