Hi Rafaella,

Rafaella Braconi wrote:

The CWS was integrated anyway .. and we again had just two days before release status meeting. We found new issues but again have no chance to get these fixed before Beta goes out.

Yes, the time frame was very short for the L10N teams. But as wrote
above, it's the same problem. The features came in late in QA and
the result is that the translation cycle starts often with a delay.
As I do try to schedule dealines for translation handover and delivery deadlines, maybe QA should also start scheduling QA handover dates? Based on the release schedule QA should know wich is the latest date to accept features, right? If features come in late then they can be accepted but the release map needs to be readjusted so that translation and l10n testing can still be performed.

We talked very often about this to get in more buffer for QA and for the
processes after Feature/Code freeze. In general the teams handle their
handover dates in person and it works well. The problem comes up, when
a high prioritized feature came in _too_ late. Often the members of the
release status meeting agreed to skip the integration date by 1-2 days,
but at the end the integration take longer as estimated. Perhaps
everybody should be more consequent with skipping features and bug fixes
to hold the time lines in the release map. If we skip one of them, we
have to skip the whole release date.

Maybe one of the release engineers who don't see those l10n issues as stopper would like to volunteer to coordinate l10n testing under such circumstances?

What do you need, an Wiki page with the known translation issues?
Since it's all in IssueTracker, I don't see the need to set up a wiki which needs to be manually updated...

It's up to you and/or the L10N teams to handle such issues and bring
the information to other testers/users.


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