
I attached a sdf file with those 21 strings to the issue


and ask everybody to translate this sdf file manually. Please change the en-US iso code to match those of your translation eg. "de" and translate all strings. After translation please add your translated file again to the issue. We will take all those sdf files that come back and merge them into a new l10n cws for fixes.

If anyone is able to fix this already in Pootle right now then please go ahead. Maybe we can try to update all languages with your new fixed pot file the next days.


Andras Timar wrote:
Hi Martin,

You can use this POT file then: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8912433/src.pot
I'm not 100% sure, but it seems that conversion from PO to SDF does
not need any patch. I'll upload to Pootle the Hungarian based on this
POT file today.

Best regards,

2010/8/19 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:
Andras, I use TT for Windows, there is only oo2po.exe, no python script. I
added it, but it does not seem to work although I do have python installed.

So that won't work for me for now.

Lp, m.

2010/8/19 Andras Timar <ti...@fsf.hu>


You can fix your Translate Toolkit easily.
--- translate/convert/oo2po.py.orig     2010-08-19 00:54:15.625000000 +0200
+++ translate/convert/oo2po.py  2010-08-19 00:54:38.015625000 +0200
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
            translators_comment = oo.ooline()
        key = oo.makekey(part1.getkey(), self.long_keys)
        unitlist = []
-        for subkey in ("text", "quickhelptext", "title"):
+        for subkey in ("text", "helptext", "quickhelptext", "title"):
            unit = self.maketargetunit(part1, part2,
translators_comment, key,subkey)
            if unit is not None:
That's all, works for me.


2010/8/18 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:

I have my own Pootle-like translation system I developed (it downloads
chosen sdf from OOo mirror servers and creates pot files from them, then
update/migrate it from previous milestone po translations of my choice).
For those commands I use Translate Toolkit and gsicheck. Does that mean
I have those strings translated?

Well I checked my final SDF I reported in in the IZ yesterday as final
Slovenian SDF for 3.3 and it is not localized! What now? Should I
it manually and then for every SDF the same way, manually localizing 21
strings? I don't think that is an option.

Maybe here is a simple solution for the OOo team - create a special pot
just for these 21 strings so all lang teams can translate them and send
the po files. Then you OOo devs can write a special script that will
those 21 strings in the final delivered SDF files?

For the DEV300 the patch should be used to move this strings in such
format/location so that they can be localized via Translate
the normal way. Of course the ultimate solution would be to update
Toolkit but we do not have time now (in 1 hour there is the deadline for
localization SDF delivery).

Just my 2 cents,

2010/8/18 Andras Timar <ti...@fsf.hu>


There are 21 strings. See: http://pastebin.com/XeAQzVjT. All of them
are in the vcl module in source\src\print.src. These strings are
localisable, because they are extracted into the SDF file. Every team
can localize them, although not through the Translate Toolkit and
Pootle, because oo2po ignores the helptext field in the SDF file. I
think we cannot blame the OOo devs, they had the right to use this
feature. L10n tooling failed here. IMHO it's easier to fix the
Translate Toolkit than to make helptext field deprecated. For the time
being probably all teams should translate these strings separately and
submit via Issue Tracker. Let me know what you think.


2010/8/18 Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net>:

today I saw this bug reported:

This obviously means that there are several undocumented tool-tips
unlocalizable in 3.3 and that that is a known fact to some people at
Please someone make an assessment about the seriousness (the amount of
unlocalizable strings) and I hope that this bug and all other
strings become a stopper bug for 3.3.

Every programmer touching the OOo code should be aware how to deal
l10n, it should not be an error that every programmer gets by without
repercussions. At least the authors of these tool-tips will learn
if this becomes a stopper. Otherwise they will not even know they did
something wrong.

Lp, m.

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