On Thu, 23 Dec 2021 at 15:13, Volkan Yazıcı <vol...@yazi.ci> wrote:

> Vladimir, mind helping us to quantify this "need", please? To the best of
> my knowledge, nobody has reached out to us with such a request except you
> and Leo.

That's not quite right. A while ago I asked if the RedHat fix could be
added to log4j-1 to create version 1.2.18. This was to fix
https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2019-17571. RedHat have already
implemented a fix for this which is included in RHEL. It was pointed out
then that since log4j-1 is EOL no further releases would be made. I was
very disappointed. Now people are talking about resurrecting log4j-1 just
for fixing CVEs I would like people to consider doing this one first

The Red Hat announcement of their fix can be seen at
Back in the day I tracked down their code fix and satisfied myself that it
does the job. It was a bit of effort to track down but I'm sure Red hat
would help if we asked them nicely.

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