Hi Ralph,

On Thu, 19 Oct 2023 at 16:31, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> I am -1 (i.e. - code commit veto) on any code change that causes the Log4j 2 
> web site url (https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/) to no longer work.
> Since the staging site is a prelude to the live site I have to assume this 
> change will cause the main site url to change so I am -1.

I am a big believer in "URLs are forever". If the public website URL
were to change, I would vote -10.

> Frankly I have no idea why you would want to have the working tree of 
> asf-site. The only thing that should ever be done in the branch is a merge 
> from asf-staging.

That is the point: with `logging-log4j-site` you **can't** do a `git
merge asf-staging`, because we might have several votes open and
**only** one of the Scala, Kotlin, Log4j websites can be published.

> As for closing the Nexus repo I always just used something like “Log4j 
> 2.x.y-rc1”. I am not sure why this is all that important to standardize as 
> long as it is clear what the release candidate is. IOW, I would be ok with 
> your proposal but would also be ok with a policy that says the comment has to 
> identify the rc version.

It is not important to standardize, as long as we know what the repo
contains, without looking into it. I happened to see 2 open and 2
closed repos with no idea what they contain.


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