On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Steven A Rowe <sar...@syr.edu> wrote:

> Last time I checked, maven artifacts have to be uploaded by a
> representative of the project.  I.e. a committer.  Farming this out seems
> like a no-go (for good reasons). - Steve

Well, (again completely ignorant of maven) it seems this itself is a
separate concern?

I'm not sure how complicated actually upload artifacts is, although just
browsing other projects, getting maven releases out isn't exactly a walk in
the park.

but theres two steps right?
1. generating the actual artifacts and verifying they are correct
2. uploading the artifacts (e.g. commit or whatever it takes to do that)

Why exactly does it require a committer to upload maven artifacts (they must
be to an apache.org location?)

Robert Muir

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