On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Robert Muir <rcm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, you have always claimed that as de jure, I think defacto is that
>> it's part of the release. And the defacto is to follow the 'release to
>> do' best as makes sense (I'm not sure the Solr release to do wiki always
>> makes much sense). I've been waiting for the day that you release Lucene
>> and drop all consideration for Maven as you have said you would likely
>> do - but I think most of us feel it's pretty much on the list and this
>> general agreement will free us of our conscious. I was ready to follow
>> your coat tails to freedom, but this way lets me off easier I think.
> Just my opinion: (personally i do not use maven, nor understand it).
> If maven support is beneficial to bringing more devs to lucene, we should
> consider what we can do.
> But at the same time, perhaps Makefiles would bring more devs, too.
> My problem with releasing with maven is that i could not honestly even +1 my
> own release artifacts, because i don't know what the hell is going on with
> the maven artifacts.
> There has to be a way to let the "maven experts" take care of this stuff
> somehow, if its really going to be beneficial.

As a maven user (not an expert by any means), the maven stuff in
3.x/trunk is actually pretty good.  Running:
  ant generate-maven-artifacts -Dmaven.dist.dir=maven -Dversion=4.0.rxxx
makes a folder (maven) with everything it needs.  This is *very* easy
for maven apps to test against.

What are the deploy steps that we are talking about dropping/changing?

- - - -

As an aside, I still think it is worth changing our dev builds from
"-dev.jar" to "-SNAPSHOT.jar" so that the daily builds are
automatically valid SNAPSHOT builds that are easy for maven/ivy users
to work with.  (LUCENE-2493)  As is, maven users have to checkout and
build with a special version to test/use a dev build -- since this is
more work then many people want to deal with, we find problems with
the maven pom files *after* the official release.


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