On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9/17/10 9:45 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
>  When we vote on a release, tha's what we
> > are voting on: source.  We may also distribute precompiled binary jars
> > via the download mirrors, or via maven, but that's not what the release
> is
> > about -- so let's get hte pom template files out of hte src tree, let's
> > get the maven related tasks out of the build.xml file and treat
> publishing
> > to maven as a seperate process that happens *after* the release.  We vote
> > on the release, we release it, and then the folks that care about maven
> > can publish the jars after the fact.
> >

Given how messy and problem plagued the maven releases code is currently, +1
to this idea.

Chris Male | Software Developer | JTeam BV.| www.jteam.nl

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