
> Just because some tool expresses distaste, doesn't imply that everyone here
> agrees that it's a problem we should fix.

Yes that is my biggest problem. Lots of warnings by Eclipse are just bullshit 
because of the code style in Lucene and for example the way we do things - 
e.g., it complains about missing close() all the time, just because we use 
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingExceptions() for that.

> In my experience, the default Sonar rulesets contain many things that people
> here are prone to disagree with. Start with serialVersionUID:
> do we care? Why would we care? In what cases to we really believe that a
> sane person would be using Java serialization with a Lucene/Solr class?

We officially don't support serialization, so all warnings are useless. It's 
just Eclipse that complains for no reason.

> Sonar can also be a bit cranky; it arranges for various tools to run via
> mechanisms that sometimes conflict with the ways you might run them
> yourself.
> So I'd suggest a process like:
> 1. Someone proposes a set of (e.g.) checkstyle rules to live by.
> 2. That ruleset is refined by experiment.
> 3. We make violations fail the build.
> Then lather, rinse, repeat for other tools.

Yes I agree. I am strongly against PMD or CheckStyle without our own rules. 
Forbiddeen-apis was invented because of the brokenness of PMD and CheckStyle to 
detect default Locale/Charset/Timezone violations (and also because those tools 
are slow).
We should better fix out Eclipse Project generate to hide the warnings that are 
just wrong.

I would prefer: Before we fix warnings by 3rd party tools like Eclipse, we 
should first fix only the warnings emitted by Javac. The others are just 
unimportant to me and I don't want to fix those which are just wrong for our 
code style.

We already have ECJ in our build (to lint javadocs), we can make some Eclipse 
warnings fatal through the ecj config file in our SVN, to fail build on some 
warnings. I disagree with using PMD or Checkstyle, those tools are uncomplete 
and broken, sorry.


> Once we have rulesets we agree are worth enforcing, we can look to Sonar
> for a pretty way to visualize their results if we like.
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