A starting comment: We could bikeshed for *years*.

General thought: The more I think about it, the more I like the notion
of confining most of the cleanup to trunk.  Actual bug fixes and changes
that are relatively non-invasive should be backported.

On 3/16/2014 2:48 PM, Uwe Schindler wrote:
>> Just because some tool expresses distaste, doesn't imply that everyone here
>> agrees that it's a problem we should fix.
> Yes that is my biggest problem. Lots of warnings by Eclipse are just bullshit 
> because of the code style in Lucene and for example the way we do things - 
> e.g., it complains about missing close() all the time, just because we use 
> IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingExceptions() for that.

My original thought on this was that we should use a combination of
SuppressWarnings and actual code changes to eliminate most of the
warnings that show up in the well-supported IDEs when they are
configured with *default* settings.

Uwe brings up a really good point that there are a number of completely
useless warnings, but I think there's still value in looking through
EVERY default IDE warning and evaluating each one on a case-by-case
basis to decide whether that specific warning should be fixed or
ignored.  It could be a sort of background task with an open Jira for
tracking commits.  It could also be something that we decide isn't worth
the effort.

>> In my experience, the default Sonar rulesets contain many things that people
>> here are prone to disagree with. Start with serialVersionUID:
>> do we care? Why would we care? In what cases to we really believe that a
>> sane person would be using Java serialization with a Lucene/Solr class?
> We officially don't support serialization, so all warnings are useless. It's 
> just Eclipse that complains for no reason.

Project-specific IDE settings for errors/warnings (set by the ant build
target) will go a long way towards making the whole situation better.
For the current stable branch, we should include settings for anything
that we want to ignore on trunk, but only a subset of those problems
that get elevated to error status.

>> Sonar can also be a bit cranky; it arranges for various tools to run via
>> mechanisms that sometimes conflict with the ways you might run them
>> yourself.
>> So I'd suggest a process like:
>> 1. Someone proposes a set of (e.g.) checkstyle rules to live by.
>> 2. That ruleset is refined by experiment.
>> 3. We make violations fail the build.
>> Then lather, rinse, repeat for other tools.
> Yes I agree. I am strongly against PMD or CheckStyle without our own rules. 
> Forbiddeen-apis was invented because of the brokenness of PMD and CheckStyle 
> to detect default Locale/Charset/Timezone violations (and also because those 
> tools are slow).
> We should better fix out Eclipse Project generate to hide the warnings that 
> are just wrong.
> I would prefer: Before we fix warnings by 3rd party tools like Eclipse, we 
> should first fix only the warnings emitted by Javac. The others are just 
> unimportant to me and I don't want to fix those which are just wrong for our 
> code style.
> We already have ECJ in our build (to lint javadocs), we can make some Eclipse 
> warnings fatal through the ecj config file in our SVN, to fail build on some 
> warnings. I disagree with using PMD or Checkstyle, those tools are uncomplete 
> and broken, sorry.

+1 all around.  I want to eliminate all the noise.  If we had IDE
warnings measured in dozens instead of thousands, it would be a useful
data point that wouldn't get ignored.


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