Follow-up in-line.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Shalin Shekhar Mangar
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 9:58 AM, Alexandre Rafalovitch
> <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Grant Ingersoll <> wrote:
>> 2. Mark it as Google non-crawlable in robot.txt
> Don't do that. Setting up a permanent redirect to new pages is enough.
I meant add the NEW archive location to the non-crawlable. So,
(desperate) people could still find it by manually browsing, but no
search will return those.

>> 5. Do something about JavaDocs polluting Google Index. At minimum,
>> create /latest/ as a stable URL path and have it very Google visible.
>> Make the rest of the versions in archive, non-crawlable. There is a
>> lot more that can be done here, but probably not as part of this
>> cleanup (see my older post about it)
> I am not sure if that is a big problem for Solr. How many people look
> at our javadocs? How many of us actually write them?
I would not have gotten this far without JavaDocs. A lot of
UpdateRequestProcessors have their settings described in JavaDoc only.
Plus, the only way to find about new classes is by crawling the
JavaDoc hierarchy (which also has issues). I think it is a real issue
for beginner=>intermediate upgrade.

>> 7. Setup proper analytics (is there any?), so we could at least tell
>> what people find and what they do not.
> I know this has come up before. I think there is a legal issue with
> using free analytics tools such as Google Analytics etc. I'd love to
> see that though. ? The web analytics is incredibly valuable. If there
is an issue with using it, it should be worked through. It allows to
make actionable decisions based on real usage.

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