On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Dawid Weiss
<dawid.we...@cs.put.poznan.pl> wrote:
>>> > I eventually went with procmail (with a little help from guys that
>>> > know it better). So, for folks who do have access to their MTA and can
>>> > filter e-mails, here it is (postfix/procmail combo):
>> From the email address it seems you also had to modify the email address
>> registered to JIRA and/or dev list, right?
> Unfortunately yes. You will need to proxy your e-mail through an
> account that has procmail installed. I think Mike's solution of
> accessing your inbox via IMAP and modifying mail in there directly
> would work with a gmail account, although I don't know how it works (I
> assume Mike's script is deleting the previous message and inserting a
> modified copy?).

Yes that's exactly how it works.  Which is sort of scary :)  And it's
this process you have to keep alive when it crashes, etc. ;)

The procmail piping solution is cleaner... I like it.


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