Hi Otis,
I've been working on, and shall be working on, a few issues on the lines of
"hide ZK".

SOLR-6736: Uploading configsets can now be done through Solr nodes instead
of uploading them to ZK.
SOLR-10272: Use a _default configset, with the intention of not needing the
user to bother about the concept of configsets unless he needs to
SOLR-10446 (SOLR-9057): User can use CloudSolrClient without access to ZK
SOLR-8440: Enabling BasicAuth security through bin/solr script
Ability to edit security.json through the bin/solr script

Having all this in place, and perhaps some more that I may be missing,
should hopefully not need the user to know much about ZK.

1. Do you have suggestions on what more needs to be done for "hiding ZK"?
2. Do you have suggestions on how to track this overall theme of "hiding
ZK"? Some of these issues I mentioned are associated with other epics, so I
don't know if creating a "hiding ZK" epic and having these (and other
issues) as sub-tasks is a good idea (maybe it is). Alternatively, how about
tracking these (and other issues) using some label?


On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Otis Gospodnetić <
otis.gospodne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This thread about Solr master-slave vs. SolrCloud deployment poll seems to
> point out people find SolrCloud (the ZK part of it) deployment complex:
> http://search-lucene.com/m/Solr/eHNlfm4WpJPVR92?subj=Re+
> Poll+Master+Slave+or+SolrCloud+
> It could be just how information is presented...
> ... or how ZK is exposed as something external, which it is...
> Are there plans to "hide ZK"?  Or maybe have the notion of master-only
> (not as in master-slave, but as in running ZK only, not hosting data) mode
> for SolrCloud nodes (a la ES)?
> I peeked at JIRA, but couldn't find anything about that, although I seem
> to recall some mention of embedding ZK to make things easier for SolrCloud
> users.  I think I saw that at some Lucene Revolution talk?
> Thanks,
> Otis
> --
> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
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