Not fired up about approaches that have “some nodes more equal than others”, 
whether it is zk-only or replica-only. That is the opposite of autoscaling.

Getting our Solr Cloud cluster running in test and in prod was surprisingly 
difficult and unfortunately mysterious. I started with Solr 1.1, so I’m not 
exactly a noob.

This cluster needs to handle very long text queries on a large collection (17 
million docs and growing). After too much work, I’m really happy with the 
performance. This is 4 shards, 4 replicas, with AWS c4.8xlarge nodes. Yes, that 
is nearly $200,000 per year, just for the instances.

Here is what I wanted, and what I ended up with after way too much work.

* Collection configs and startup parameters under version control.
* Separation between installing software and installing configs.
* Automated config deploy from Jenkins.
* Data and logs on /solr EBS volume.
* HTTP on port 6090 to match our port-to-app mapping (just gave up on this one, 
* Five node Zookeeper ensemble to avoid single point of failure during zk 
version or instance upgrade (wasted two weeks, gave up).
* Graceful scale out and scale in (not even nearly done).
* Metrics reported to Graphite, the performance bug in 6.4 cost a few weeks.

Separating executables, config, and data should not be this hard, right? I 
thought we solved that in the 1990’s.

I’ve never had a problem with getting Zookeeper running, but getting the five 
node ensemble to work was impossible. I wrote my first concurrent code 35 years 
ago, so I should be able to do this. Just could not get 3.4.6 to actually work 
on five nodes, no matter how many weird things we tried, like switching AWS 
instance types. Used an existing 3 node ensemble that we had wanted to 

The magic solr script commands do not document what happens when you change the 
port or server directory. Surprisingly, many of them only work after you have a 
local running Solr instance. Also not documented. So port must be passed in to 
many of the commands. I guess the server directory needs to be passed in, too, 
but I never figured that out.

The required contents of the Zookeeper “filesystem” are undocumented, as far as 
I can tell. In fact, I found it really hard to figure out exactly what 
directory to give to either the solr script or the zkCli script. Earlier 
versions of solr had $SOLR_HOME/$collection/conf/…, but where is the directory 
arg in that hierarchy? Especially because … solr.xml

Still don’t have a method that I trust to create a new cluster, but updates to 
our existing clusters are pretty solid. It just seems bogus to have a whole 
filesystem-based deployment, use that to bootstrap, then never use it again. I 
have zero trust that it will work the next time. 

I wrote a Python program that takes the URL of any Solr node (I used the load 
balancer), the collection(s) to update, and the base directory for configs (use 
the collection name as a subdirectory). It does this:

1. Gets info from Solr (requests package, yay!) and parses out the zk host, 
including the chroot. Some ugly parsing there, that should be straight JSON.
2. Connects to zk (kazoo package, yay!). Uploads solr.xml from the base of the 
configs directory.
3. Optionally, removes all the files from the zk config directory we are about 
to upload to.
4. Uploads all the files, recursively, from $configs/$collection on the 
filesystem to zk.
5. Optionally, links the config to the same name as a collection.
6. Sends RELOAD for that collection to the Solr node as async command.
7. Waits.
8. Waits. Finally completes.
9. Parses the response for succeeding and failed nodes. If there are failed 
nodes, exit with a failure result code. NOTE: this could leave the cluster in 
an unfortunate state.
10. Repeat for the next collection on the command line.

A typical invocation looks like this:

   python solrtool/ -h --clear -c 
questions -d configs

Installing a new version of Solr on a 16 node cluster is taking about an hour 
and a half. We follow the hints in the docs (upgrade the overseer last), and 
have turned that into a process. That includes some exciting Unix pipelines 
with “jq” to distinguish between live nodes and nodes in the cluster which are 
effed. We had one node which never could recover its replicas. We finally shot 
it and made a fresh one. About a third of the steps are automated. 
Unfortunately, “solr healthcheck -c colname” cannot be run remotely, so we need 
a sudo to each system and a manual review of the results.

If you want to see the process, ping me. Nothing secret, but too big for this 

Getting to this point was way too hard. And this is not even close to good 
enough. It needs to upload the new config to a timestamped temp directory, then 
move/copy it after it is successful. If the reload fails, it should to roll 
back to the previous config and try another reload.

Our configs are under source control. We will never use managed configs.

Other things we needed to do to get here.

* is under source control.
* etc/jetty.xml is under source control so we can put the logs in /solr.
* Each solrconfig.xml has /solr/… hardcoded as the data directory.
* has some dancing around to pass in the right properties for the 
metrics destination and New Relic. This avoids maintaining separate configs for 
dev, test, and prod. Solr could be better about properties vs host settings vs 
JVM settings. Putting all of them in is sloppy.

Here is what we append to Line wrapping might make this look odd 
for you.

# Generate a Graphite prefix from the hostname and environment portion of the 
environment=`hostname | cut -d . -f 2`
base_hostname=`hostname -s`
# Default values are the settings for dev3.
if [[ "$environment" = 'test3' ]]
    # dev3 and test3 share the same Graphite metrics host
if [[ "$environment" = 'prod2' ]]
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dgraphite_prefix=${graphite_prefix}"
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dgraphite_host=${graphite_host}"
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -javaagent:/apps/solr6/newrelic/newrelic.jar"
SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dnewrelic.environment=${environment}"

Walter Underwood  (my blog)

> On Apr 26, 2017, at 3:25 PM, Otis Gospodnetić <> 
> wrote:
> Right, that "bin/solr zk start" is sort of how one could present that to 
> users.  I took the liberty of creating 
> <> after not being able to 
> find any such issues (yet hearing about such ideas at Lucene Revolution).
> Ishan & Co, you may want to link other related issues or use e.g. "hideZK" 
> label and treat SOLR-10573 just as an umbrella?
> Otis
> --
> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
> Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training - 
> <>
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Upayavira < 
> <>> wrote:
> I have done a *lot* of automating this. Redoing it recently it was quite 
> embarrassing to realise how much complexity there is involved in it - it is 
> crazy hard to get a basic, production ready SolrCloud setup running.
> One thing that is hard is getting a ZooKeeper ensemble going - using 
> Exhibitor makes it much easier.
> Something that has often occurred to me is, why do we require people to go 
> download a separate ZooKeeper, and work out how to install and configure it, 
> when we have it embedded already? Why can't we just have a 'bin/solr zk 
> start' command which starts an "embedded" zookeeper, but without Solr. To 
> really make it neat, we offer some way (a la Exhibitor) for multiple 
> concurrently started ZK nodes to autodiscover each other, then getting our 
> three ZK nodes up won't be quite so treacherous.
> Just a thought.
> Upayavira
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2017, at 03:58 PM, Mike Drob wrote:
>> Could the zk role also be guaranteed to run the Overseer (and no 
>> collections)? If we already have that separated out, it would make sense to 
>> put it with the embedded zk. I think you can already configure and place 
>> things manually this way, but it would be a huge win to package it all up 
>> nicely for users and set it to turnkey operation.
>> I think it was a great improvement for deployment when we dropped tomcat, 
>> this is the next logical step.
>> Mike
>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017, 4:22 AM Jan Høydahl < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> There have been suggestions to add a “node controller” process which again 
>> could start Solr and perhaps ZK on a node.
>> But adding a new “zk” role which would let that node start (embedded) ZK I 
>> cannot recall. It would of course make a deploy simpler if ZK was hidden as 
>> a solr role/feature and perhaps assigned to N nodes, moved if needed etc. If 
>> I’m not mistaken ZK 3.5 would make such more dynamic setups easier but is 
>> currently in beta.
>> Also, in these days of containers, I kind of like the concept of spinning up 
>> N ZK containers that the Solr containers connect to and let Kubernetes or 
>> whatever you use take care of placement, versions etc. So perhaps the need 
>> for a production-ready solr-managed zk is not as big as it used to be, or 
>> maybe even undesirable? For production Windows installs I could still 
>> clearly see a need though.
>> --
>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>> Cominvent AS - <>
>>> 25. apr. 2017 kl. 23.30 skrev Ishan Chattopadhyaya 
>>> < <>>:
>>> Hi Otis,
>>> I've been working on, and shall be working on, a few issues on the lines of 
>>> "hide ZK".
>>> SOLR-6736: Uploading configsets can now be done through Solr nodes instead 
>>> of uploading them to ZK.
>>> SOLR-10272: Use a _default configset, with the intention of not needing the 
>>> user to bother about the concept of configsets unless he needs to
>>> SOLR-10446 (SOLR-9057): User can use CloudSolrClient without access to ZK
>>> SOLR-8440: Enabling BasicAuth security through bin/solr script
>>> Ability to edit security.json through the bin/solr script
>>> Having all this in place, and perhaps some more that I may be missing, 
>>> should hopefully not need the user to know much about ZK.
>>> 1. Do you have suggestions on what more needs to be done for "hiding ZK"?
>>> 2. Do you have suggestions on how to track this overall theme of "hiding 
>>> ZK"? Some of these issues I mentioned are associated with other epics, so I 
>>> don't know if creating a "hiding ZK" epic and having these (and other 
>>> issues) as sub-tasks is a good idea (maybe it is). Alternatively, how about 
>>> tracking these (and other issues) using some label?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ishan
>>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 2:39 AM, Otis Gospodnetić 
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This thread about Solr master-slave vs. SolrCloud deployment poll seems to 
>>> point out people find SolrCloud (the ZK part of it) deployment complex:
>>> <>
>>> It could be just how information is presented...
>>> ... or how ZK is exposed as something external, which it is...
>>> Are there plans to "hide ZK"?  Or maybe have the notion of master-only (not 
>>> as in master-slave, but as in running ZK only, not hosting data) mode for 
>>> SolrCloud nodes (a la ES)?  
>>> I peeked at JIRA, but couldn't find anything about that, although I seem to 
>>> recall some mention of embedding ZK to make things easier for SolrCloud 
>>> users.  I think I saw that at some Lucene Revolution talk?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Otis
>>> --
>>> Monitoring - Log Management - Alerting - Anomaly Detection
>>> Solr & Elasticsearch Consulting Support Training - 
>>> <>

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