I think it is a good idea to have solr-extras and solr-sandbox. However, I
think it's fine if some projects in solr-extras need to be migrated into
their own repos at some point.

I don't necessarily agree with moving all contrib modules out of the main
repo however. I think it makes the most sense to leave the "first-party"
plugin contribs inside the repo, so that they are released at the same
cadence as Solr itself, and compatibility is guaranteed whenever changes
are made to Solr core. Anything not in the main repo or released in the
same cadence as Solr is guaranteed to become stale with time. And if we do
have "first-party" plugins, then it stands to reason that those are
supposed to be supported on day-1 of a Solr release.

Some contrib modules aren't plugins, such as the Prometheus Exporter, so
this would make sense to be moved to something like solr-extras.

- Houston

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 10:30 AM Ishan Chattopadhyaya <
ichattopadhy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Devs,
> As we discussed over the last few months, there seems a need to move
> non-core pieces away from the Solr core module. The contribs are presently
> a good place, but it makes sense to have a separate git repository hosting
> such modules. Some candidates that come to mind are the present day contrib
> modules, upcoming HDFS support module (separated away from solr-core),
> other first party packages. Along with that, there is also a need for a
> repository for hosting WIP modules/sub-projects.
> I propose that we apply for the creation of two new git repositories:
> 1. solr-extras (or lucene-solr-extras)
> 2. solr-sandbox (or lucene-solr-sandbox)
> Well tested, well supported modules/sub-projects can be released straight
> away from *solr-extras*. The first party packages can be built from this
> location and shipped with Solr (or be available for install using the
> package manager CLI).
> New, unproved, beta, unstable modules can be hosted on *solr-sandbox*
> (and graduate to solr-extras once stable).
> Please let me know if there are any questions/concerns with this approach.
> Thanks and regards,
> Ishan

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