Hi Yuting,
thanks for your feedback.
For your information, we have a general issue to improve our contribution
workflow: LUCENE-10543 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10543>,
and this is actually a sub-task of it.
You and anyone can contribute to it by leaving comments, creating
documentation or instruction for developers, or whatever else (if you'd

I'll try to keep this thread a safe place for everyone though, I'd
especially appreciate feedback from newcomers like Vigya and Yuting, since
I understand and remember it is more difficult (and sometimes fearful) to
join discussions for new developers than long-time contributors.


2022年5月6日(金) 11:16 Yuti G <gan.y...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Tomoko,
> Thanks for raising this discussion!
> As a new member of the Lucene community, I'm also confused by the input
> components when creating a Jira issue. I struggled with previewing my text
> and had to edit it after creating a Jira issue or a comment, and I just
> found that each re-edit would send an email notification to the list 😅
> I only used the GitHub issue system on a small team scale and I am getting
> familiar with Jira now. It would be very helpful if we can create a clear
> instruction/guide for new developers on how to create an issue no matter
> which system we choose in the future.
> Best,
> Yuting
> On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 6:00 PM Tomoko Uchida <tomoko.uchida.1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm not going to thoroughly discuss the migration path from Jira to
>> GitHub here, but generally, the rough image in my mind is the same as Jan
>> described -  "Milestone" for version tracking, and "labels" for other
>> purposes (issue types, component types, etc.).
>> As for the proposal of in-house GitLab, it could be an option (if UI/UX
>> is the only problem) but I don't think it's feasible.
>> We need high availability platform and we don't have machine/human
>> resources to operate such mission-critical in-house service on our own.
>> And, even if it's possible, we still have to switch between two platforms -
>> it doesn't solve my problem.
>> > That's precisely the crux of the disagreement: I want to be able to
>> register
>> > an account at Apache and *not* GitHub and still be able to contribute.
>> > Is the original Jira -> GitHub move just a change of defaults or are
>> we,
>> > once moved to GitHub, not letting people use Jira at all anymore ?
>> Interesting point - is there anyone else who doesn't have or use GitHub
>> account and *won't sign up or sign in for it* ?
>> Tomoko
>> 2022年5月6日(金) 7:04 Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de>:
>>> I agree with that.
>>> What annoys me is that I have to open a fake issue in Jira. I think we
>>> should allow people to open GitHub PR or issues. It gets reported also to
>>> mailing list. If a Lucene committer does not want to use GitHub, heshe can
>>> just download the PR as patch file and apply. Same for issues: all is
>>> mirrored to mailing list.
>>> If our users want to open issues they should do what they prefer.
>>> Uwe
>>> Am 5. Mai 2022 21:50:58 UTC schrieb Michael Sokolov <msoko...@gmail.com
>>> >:
>>>> Is the original Jira -> GitHub move just a change of defaults or are we,
>>>>> once moved to GitHub, not letting people use Jira at all anymore ?
>>>> Nothing has been decided - it's all open for debate.
>>>> I just want to re-state the idea (at least as I heard it) behind this
>>>> proposed move is to make contributing more accessible.
>>>> As for github banning people, just google "github banning" and you
>>>> will see that people have been banned for a variety of reasons.
>>>> I don't know if the risk of that outweighs the inconvenience of JIRA
>>>> for the new developer.
>>>> Please note that the primary avenue for contributions today *is
>>>> already github*. So far we have not had any issues with people being
>>>> banned, and if that were to happen, we still accept patch files in
>>>> JIRA. We have had these two mechanisms in place for quite a while now
>>>> and both are in active use.
>>>> But this proposal is about issue tracking anyway: I just point out
>>>> that we already rely on github in spite of its shortcomings.
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@lucene.apache.org
>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@lucene.apache.org
>>>> --
>>> Uwe Schindler
>>> Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen
>>> https://www.thetaphi.de

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