OK, I think it's a healthy discussion everyone can make an assertion
(agreement or disagreement, or whatever else).

I'd ask all just one thing - if you criticize or strongly oppose any tools,
please present references that support your opinion.

Thank you,

2022年5月6日(金) 1:17 Andi Vajda <o...@ovaltofu.org>:

> On May 5, 2022, at 08:41, Ishan Chattopadhyaya <ichattopadhy...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> (Repeating in public what I mentioned in private)
> I'm generally opposed to this idea because GitHub has been known to take
> political decisions to cut off access to developers just because of their
> nationality/region etc. As a community, we should stay politically neutral
> and not rely on GitHub to decide on our behalf who to exclude from our
> community.
> Agreed. My main issue with hosted services like GitHub and others like it
> is that as they there is no due process, very little recourse, when some AI
> or other automated process gets you banned. Again, this is an issue for all
> such services and it's worse the bigger they are. It's also an "all eggs in
> the same basket" problem.
> Thus, I prefer to depend on Apache than on GitHub.
> If we want to move off of Jira, I think doing so on a self (Apache)-hosted
> instance of GitLab would be a lot better and offer the same enticing eye
> candy and issue/PR integration as GitHub.
> Andi..
> On Thu, 5 May, 2022, 8:45 pm Jan Høydahl, <jan....@cominvent.com> wrote:
>> Given how JIRA has become a monster of a product with different markup
>> syntax for each version, and bugs everywhere (does not even work on
>> mobile), I'm no longer the JIRA fan I once was.
>> In Solr we already use github issues for the Solr-Operator sub project
>> https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues and I believe it has
>> worked well. Of course excellent integration with PRs :)
>> In earlier discussions on this topic, the idea has been shot down with
>> the argument of split bug history and migration challenges. But I think you
>> are wise to delay the HOW discussion for now.
>> This discussion should also not be about politics. Some may be opposed to
>> Microsoft and GitHub, but as long as the ASF has officially blessed github
>> as an official option, i'ts not a very constructive discussion.
>> The most important decision point on my part is perception by new / young
>> users. Look at OpenOffice, they have remained on Bugzilla - are you
>> compelled to contribute? :)
>> Jan
>> 5. mai 2022 kl. 04:23 skrev Tomoko Uchida <tomoko.uchida.1...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello everyone!
>> Recently, we relaxed the requirement for creating a Jira issue when
>> opening a pull request (LUCENE-10545
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10545>).
>> As the next and bigger (perhaps ambitious) step, I opened a rough
>> proposal for migration to GitHub issue from Jira.
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10557
>> According to the INFRA issue for the RocketMQ project (Michael McCandless
>> gave the pointer in a comment on the issue; thanks!), a PMC agreement or
>> Vote result is needed for the decision.
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-15702
>> Eventually, we'd need a formal vote, but before that, I'd like to hear
>> general opinions/thoughts (or feelings) on this topic from developers.
>> In brief, I think it'd be technically possible and also be good for the
>> project - not only for welcoming new developers who are not familiar with
>> Jira, but also for improving the experiences of long-term contributors by
>> consolidating the conversation platform.
>> It'll need some administrative work though, I'm willing to work for it if
>> we reach an agreement.
>> Please note that:
>> * This is not a VOTE. Simple vote-style feedback (+/- 1) is welcome, but
>> we don't aim to reach a conclusion in this thread.
>> * Let's not discuss "how to migrate existing Jira issues" for now. Once
>> we decide the migration will be good for us, then we can try to figure out
>> a reasonable solution for technical/administrative matters.
>> I may be too optimistic about it; but - a bit of stupidness will be
>> needed to start such a move, and I'm serious about this proposal :)
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Tomoko

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