Shawn and Andrzej,

Thanks for answering my questions. I've looked over the code done by Dmitry
and I'll look into what I can do to help with the UI porting in future.

I was actually thinking of doing this JIRA as a project by myself with some
assistance from the community after getting a mentor for the ASF ICFOSS
program, which I haven't found yet. It would be great if I could get one of
you guys as a mentor.

As the UI work has been mostly done by others like Dmitry Kan, I don't
think I need to work on that majorly for now.

What other work is there to be done that I can do as a project? Any new
features or improvements?

On Jul 14, 2013 1:54 AM, "Andrzej Bialecki" <> wrote:

> On 7/13/13 8:56 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> On 7/13/2013 3:15 AM, Ajay Bhat wrote:
>>> One more question : What version of Lucene does Luke currently support
>>> right now? I saw a comment on the issue page that it doesn't support the
>>> Lucene 4.1 and 4.2 trunk.
>> The official Luke project only has versions up through 4.0.0-ALPHA.
>> There is a forked project that has produced Luke for newer Lucene
>> versions.
>> I can't seem to locate any information about how they have licensed the
>> newer versions, and I'm not really sure where the source code is living.
>> Regarding a question you asked earlier, Luke is a standalone program.
>> It does include Lucene classes in the "lukeall" version of the
>> executable jar.
>> Luke may have some uses as a library, but I think that most people run
>> it separately.  There is partial Luke functionality embedded in the Solr
>> admin UI, but I don't know whether that is something cooked up by Solr
>> devs or if it shares actual code with Luke.
> Ajay,
> Luke is a standalone GUI application, not a library. It uses a custom
> version of Thinlet GUI toolkit, which is no longer maintained, and it's
> LGPL licensed, so Luke can't be contributed to the Lucene project as is.
> Recently several people expressed interest in porting Luke to some other
> GUI toolkit that is Apache-friendly. See the discussion here:
> In particular, there's a fork by Dmitry Kan - he plans to integrate other
> patches and forks, and to port Luke from Thinlet to GWT and sync it with
> the latest version of Lucene. I think you should coordinate your efforts
> with him and other contributors that work on that code base. This fork is
> Apache-licensed and the long-term plan is to contribute it back to Lucene
> once the porting is done.
> The Pivot-based port of Luke that is in the Lucene sandbox is in an early
> stage. I'm not sure Mark Miller has time to work on it due to his
> involvement in SolrCloud development.
> The Luke handler in Solr is a completely different code base, and it
> shares only the name with the Luke application.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrzej Bialecki
>, blog
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