I support (and supported before) the annotations as maturity tags.

Also command line API seems to be good. Maybe some solver apis could be
standardized in some ways.

AbstractJob as it currently exists is more a Tool than an individual step in
a pipeline, perhaps historically driven by a fact that most Mahout pipelines
are one step generic job agnstic of MR specific parameters passed to them,
so this needs some model design work before approach is truly applicable to
any given pipeline. Pipeline execution plan also may be not so trivial which
tools such as oozie exist. Because doing it with utter flexibility is
expensive, and because individual steps are implementation detail not
exposed in API, I don't see big urgency in forcing any abstract
functionality in an internal pipeline execution for as long as they merge
managed parameters with unmanaged configuration passed in via Tool like
 On Oct 7, 2011 6:14 AM, "Grant Ingersoll" <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:

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