On 07.10.2011 Grant Ingersoll wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2011, at 7:53 PM, Lance Norskog wrote:
> > On that topic: if/when Cloudera adds a Mahout version, it will be much
> > harder to change some basic things.
> Why?  They know how to contribute patches and how the ASF works.  We move
> forward as a community, not based on any one company (besides there are
> already others who are distributing Mahout.)  Mahout being baked into CDH
> or MapR or Foo doesn't effect how we as a community choose to develop
> things.
> Besides, we have been very explicit about the fact that we consider
> ourselves to be less than 1.0 release and that we aren't yet beholden to
> backwards compatibility.  We will try to do so where feasible, but our
> APIs still have a ways to go in terms of hardening them for a 1.0 release.


While I agree with Sebastian that all implementations should be easy to 
integrate and work with, I think this goal is independent from inclusion in any 

It's up to the distributor to decide on what stability guarantees he wants to 
give to his customers - and how to fulfill these. As always contributing to the 
project of course can be a way to get open issues fixed faster - it's up to us 
to decide on what to integrate based on what we think is best for Mahout.


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