On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 17:20 +0100, John McCreesh wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 12:40 +0200, Charles-H.Schulz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'd be interested in having your opinions on this MS victory. 
> > I'm sure we can learn from our failures (although that was Sun who was
> > the provider here) in this case. Any idea?
> > Does somebody have more info on this? John? Ian?
> I last spoke to Jim Jarvie back in October 2002 (the driving force
> behind open-source in the Central Scotland Police). From memory, he had
> the usual mix of Linux on servers and a few hundred desktops with
> MS-Windows and Star Office. His successor, David Stirling has reached a
> different conclusion as to the value of Star Office on the desktop - but
> then no-one ever got fired for buying Microsoft.

I wouldn't get too down about MS wooing people back. We recently had a
customer go back to MS from linux but MS had to give them everything for
free and we made some money migrating them back. We'll be there to make
some more money migrating them back to Linux at some point in the
future :-) Seriously, this is going to happen a lot more, but in the
long run OOo will just keep getting better and remain free so while
there will be a lot of turbulence along the way the pressure is in one


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