Charles-H.Schulz wrote:


I'm sorry to find this absolutely secundary. Massachussets may be dancing today, but I believe that we have something terrible going on in Louisiana and Mississipi. News report are talking at the moment of thousands of dead, and litteraly hundreds of thousands of homeless and refugeers who do not have access to any food nor water.

I'd like to express my support and deep condoleences to every one who's been hurt and/or who has lost a relative or a friend there. I've heard that it is possible to send funds to help the victims of the hurricane. I didn't find where yet, but if you know, please post it on this list.

Charles-H. Schulz,
Lead of the Native-Lang Confederation,


The main thing needed is funds. The Red Cross desires to use money in the local area as much as possible to help with the economic recovery efforts, as well as the basic necessities. If you live near the affected area, consider dropping off donations to local shelters that may house refugees. This has been repeated on the US national news - at least on ABC stations in the Charlotte area, and I'm certain in other areas as well. Many of the people are already en route to Houston, Dallas, and one other Texas city (I forget which one). People could probably contact their local United Way to find out other ways to help.

If you're outside the US, I suggest donating to the Red Cross as being the most effective thing you can do.

DC Parris

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