On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Jacqueline McNally wrote:

> The OpenOffice.org project guidelines suggest communications of these
> types of decisions privately, and I remember you yourself said praise
> on-list and critique off-list. 

Yes critique - but telling MarCons to leave their position is not critism 
but kicking them out. 

> I disagree with this approach when it comes down to the situation we 
> have at hand. 

You don't know what the situation will be - some will leave without saying 
nothing at all others (like Ryan) will say goodbye in a quiet way and I 
would have fought if it was me.

OpenOffice.org is an open source project and you cannot use the usually 
business or corporate way to manage situations. Kicking people off the 
projects without taking an open discussion and hearing what the rest of 
the project members have to say is not the open source way - not if it 
have to succeed in the long run.

If you only criticise off list then only the one who is criticised will 
see what is criticizable so the rest of the project members does not 
learn from it. And the rest of the project members can't respond if your 
critism is wrong.

You can view criticizable behavior as a bug - and in open source projects 
bugs are discussed openly. 

> I will only now consider public critique to Ryan at his request.

When you become a member of an open source project you will be a target of 
public critic - escpecially from you peers.
> The Project Leads are responsible for the recruitment of and liaison
> with MarCons. Usually, potential candidates contact us, as two did
> earlier this week. The "What Do MarCons Do?" is a minimum, and I'm happy
> to say that most of the MarCons exceed these requirements.

And where did Ryan not meet the "What Do MarCons Do?"?


The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov     ###= Analyze                      OpenOffice.org
Co-lead/owner          #=== Requirements         Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          ==== Design/model           Subproject    
http://ooo.chbs.dk/            ==== Implement   http://oopm.openoffice.org/

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